Skilled labeling for your
We work with organizations at the forefront of AI.
Why Seen Labs?
Scale data annotation exponentially

Stop annotating data slowly with in-house teams or outsourcing to teams whose quality you can’t control.

  • Access the SeenLabs network of medical doctors, professionals, researchers and students for skilled annotation
  • Embed data annotation seamlessly into your data pipeline
  • View labeler-level insights to give you confidence in the SeenLabs network
Take control of annotation quality

You define quality. We rigorously measure and manage it.

  • Measure labeler performance. Only include opinions from labelers whose quality score meets your expectations
  • Incentivize labeler performance with small batch, performance-based compensation and get 100% of their effort on every case
  • Generate multiple reads on each case, and even more on ambiguous cases
Take control of annotation quality

You define quality. We rigorously measure and manage it.

  • Measure labeler performance. Only include opinions from labelers whose quality score meets your expectation
  • Incentivize labeler performance with small batch, performance-based compensation and get 100% of their effort on every case
  • Generate multiple reads on each case, and even more on ambiguous case
Master your dataset

Proactively understand the nuances of your dataset, so your data works with you, not against you.

  • Access meaningful statistical information about your dataset
  • Leverage case-level insights to inform model development e.g. precision-recall curves, label distribution, labeler agreement
  • Identify edge cases and challenges with data quality based on flagged cases and labeler comment
Security and compliance you can trust
With leading security and privacy practices in place, you can rest assured we are handling your health data with care.
Security and compliance you can trust
With leading security and privacy practices in place, you can rest assured we are handling your health data with care.
Industries building AI with Seen Labs
From software as a medical device (SaMD) to next generation AI-enabled hardware devices.
From accelerating drug discovery to leveraging real world evidence.
From AI innovation in emergency medicine and cardiology, to arthroplasty.
From accelerating claims processing and reimbursement, to improving customer service.
What we annotate
  • Unstructured Clinical Notes
  • Scientific Text
  • Chatbots
  • And more
  • Heart Auscultation
  • Lung Auscultation
  • Artery Auscultation
  • And more
  • Ultrasound
  • External Images
  • X-ray
  • And more
  • Surgery
  • Clinical Sessions
  • And more
Ready to accelerate your AI development?